"The Art Of Taking Away & Creating An Illusion"

Wae-Kune-Do Karate was founded in 1969 by Grandmaster Clarence West. Primarily built upon the foundation of Tang Soo Do, Grandmaster West's system established itself on the national stage as a formidable art of self defense. The art of Wae-Kune-Do Karate is a difficult and demanding system that teaches the student the balance between mental and physical strength, as well as humility and restraint. This system has not been intended for Hollywood, but rather to be taught as a way of life with students learning to contribute positively to their world and community.

The art of Wae-Kune-Do is governed by the Sakkaku Karate Renmei, an organization founded by current headmaster James Parrish in 2013. As Grandmaster West's highest ranking student and successor, Master Parrish is committed to honoring his teacher's legacy and preserving the art in its purest form. The Sakkaku Karate Renmei serves to uphold the standards of the system and provide all students of Wae-Kune-Do Karate an avenue to further their education as well as connect to the source of their art. The Sakkaku Karate Renmei are the sole governing authorities of the Wae-Kune-Do Karate system, with a direct lineage to the founder, Grandmaster Clarence E. West.